Getting up to speed
A bunch of new/old items has been added. So far I am pleased with the interest being shown and have decided to open a couple of wholesale accounts. Well, I haven't been pleased with what I have found. Most pricing is above or right at retail. So unless I order over 1k pieces I will not be able to take advantage of the small price break and I mean small-about 5-6 cents which is not worth having $1,000 worth of inventory either on order or on hand. As a result, I will order to get fresh cases so I can take pre-orders, but will also continue retail arbitrage-the wholesale 1k price is exactly the same as Walmart's Hot Wheels mainline price in my area. Now I understand why people are going into stores and buying almost everything. I won't do that, but will continue to buy what catches my eye. Often what I kinda like now may not be what I keep in my collection next month.
I am also maintaining a need/want list so if there is something you are looking for-especially mainlines, let me know and I will keep an eye out for it.
Happy Hunting!